En række anerkendte tegnestuer er inviteret til at tale om Deres projekter på seks førende arkitektskoler i Europa: Stuttgart, Graz, Milano, Paris, London og Prag. Rækken af foredrag går under titlen “Positions on Contemporary Architecture”. Arkitekter og studerende velkommende til at deltage i forelæsningerne, der er sponsoreret af Sto Stiftung.

Partner hos TREDJE NATUR Flemming Rafn Thomsen er på programmet i foredragsserien The Danish Stars November Talks der afholdes på det Tekniske Universitet i Prag mandag den 14. november. Her vil Flemming holde et foredrag med titlen Man-Made Nature.

Today, there is no place in the World, which is not affected by man. We all now live in the anthropogenic epoch. In less than 200 years, we have changed everything in the biosphere through the way we live. It has had irreversible and severe impacts on nature and the city and climate change present new specific challenges in every city. Mankind has with the ever-expanding cultivation of nature and urbanization become an explosive and fascinating second nature. It is now up to cities to formulate long-term perspectives, in order to reestablish balance between nature, people and culture. The shift from a ‘people centric’ to a ‘planet centric’ perspective in architecture and planning promises a life-affirming and informed everyday life for the users if cities succeed in adapting to this new reality. – Flemming Rafn Thomsen

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