Tredje Natur er inviteret til en international forelæsningsrække, der arrangeres af School of Critical Engagement.

Blandt anerkendte navne som Gehl Architects, Ecosistema Urbano og Bradon Labelle er vi interet til at bidrage med en forelæsning. Torsdag d. 29. marts hos Områdefornyelsen, Skt. Kjelds Kvarter, Vennemindevej 39,  vil vi under titlen Monkey See, Monkey Do! uddybe vores faglige agenda og nyeste projekter.

Next week’s Lecture is with Tredje Natur. This is not the first time the SKK community has heard the name Tredje Natur. They are the winners of the Europan11 competition for SKK and adjacent streets. The architecture firm draws inspiration from nature into the city and creates fun and attractive elements in the urban space. In this lecture, Tredje Natur will present their design philosophy for the hybrid city and how they work with issues of climate change and social/economic friction as an opening for new conditions, adaptations and correlations within city planning.

Om School of Critical Engagement:

The School of Critical Engagement is operating with / within the processes, participants, protagonists, systems, and stakeholders, that make / construct place. Place develops through interactions between human and non-human systems, nature and culture, people and space, individuals and collectives, and hegemonial and marginalized cultures and identities. Place is more than the ground on which change occurs, place is an active agent. Place is critical and needs to be critically engaged.

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