Flemming Rafn er inviteret som oplægsholder til den internationale og tværfaglige klima konference ‘Climate Hack: Water, som finder sted 11. marts.

Programmet er fyldt med akademiske forskere og samfunds- og forretningsaktivister med en stor og dyb interesse for at handle på klimaets vegne.

Arrangementet vil foregå online og er åbent for alle. Tjek programmet og tilmeld dig her: https://lnkd.in/dhf2yH9

“The initial step for the climate movement was to create a strong worldwide political agenda with a genuine interest in mitigating climate change on a global scale. We are now on a mission to hack and disrupt the current climate discourse in order to design concrete pathway plans amplifying a comprehensive and coherent green transition of the carbon-based society and economy. The CLIMATE HACK conferences will take up new perspectives such as water, health, wood & food in order to draw the attention to the planning process of climate politics.”

Oplægsholdere tæller bl.a. Katherine RichardsonKaren HækkerupJesper TheilgaardMickey GjerrisKaren RiisgaardGilles BoeufTheresa ScaveniusGeraldine Tsui-Yee LinFlemming Rafn m.fl.